Welcome to the Arctic
Directed by Kyriakos Kaziras
Sail on the ice floe

About Kyriakos
Kyriakos Kaziras is a professional photographer, Greek and French, now living in France.
Born in Greece, his passion for photography and painting began at an early age, thanks to the influence of his two grandfathers, one an artist and the other a keen amateur photographer.
On his first trip to Svalbard, he fell in love with the ice floes, the white expanses, the Arctic lights and the polar bears. Since then, he has continued to travel to the most remote corners of the Arctic. Yet he considers himself neither an adventurer nor an explorer. All his work is meticulously prepared in advance, like a storyboard.
Each of his photographs is a painting playing on shadows and lights. He gladly acknowledges being enthusiastic about the film Heimat by Edgar Reitz, whose every shot was composed as a photograph.
Very influenced by the painting, Kyriakos Kaziras has a very pictorial approach to photography.
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